The Cape Town Environmental Education Trust hosted a talk given by the Cape Leopard Trust at the Zeekoevlei Education Centre in Grassy Park. Matthew Dowling presented the talk to a full audience, adults and children alike.

The talk focused on the Cape leopards in the Western Cape. It highlighted the work done by the Cape Leopard Trust which not only contributes to the conservation of Cape leopards but the entire ecosystem in which the live. The talk looked at the lives of these beautiful creatures and it took a glimpse at the remarkable biodiversity of the Western Cape where the leopards are the apex predators.

Matthew was well received and the audience enjoyed his presentation. He showed some beautiful images of the leopards as well some of the other animals that live within the borders of the Western Cape. He also made an interesting comparison between baboons and hikers – both behaved the same way when coming across the camera traps.

We would like to thank both Matthew and the Cape Leopard Trust for the opportunity to learn more about these beautiful creatures.