On 21 September CTEET attained bronze in the Biodiversity category for their Biodiversity Offsetting initiative, and silver in the Eco-Community category for excellent work with their Sustainable Schools Programme.

According to CTEET’s Conservation Partnership Facilitator, Lynette Munro, “Meeting the needs of a burgeoning urban population requires an innovative approach. Business-as-usual, is not helping neither people, nor the planet. Addressing the needs of present and future generations is being recognised globally as an imperative, and not simply a “nice to have”. In meeting these needs, leaders and citizens alike recognise that a healthy planet underpins human need and wellbeing. We envisage Biodiversity Offsetting becoming the “new normal” in all land transformation activities. Biodiversity Offsetting has the potential to grow the conservation estate, generate jobs, maintain ecological function, create corridors of natural areas, connect people with nature, and support the zero species loss targets. As a Public Benefit Organisation, CTEET presently provides the institutional platform for ensuring security to implement Biodiversity Offsets in the Western Cape. We are honoured to have our work recognised and for receiving the bronze Biodiversity Award!”

Education and Training Manager at CTEET, Louise Matschke tells us the organisation’s Sustainable Schools Programme focuses on grounding a sustainability ethos within schools, through multi-levelled engagements such as environmental lessons, establishment of environmental projects, learner engagement, teacher development and community action days. “All too often organisations expose children to once-off environmental messaging with no continuity and limited impact. CTEET’s approach is to have multiple and varied programmes with schools to ensure a greater impact and increased pro-environmental behaviours. By building a community of schools and connecting them through a community of practice, learners and teachers are capacitated to improve the quality of the school environment. This is an integrated and coordinated approach to Education for Sustainable Development, focused on education and youth skills development for the Green Economy. We are delighted to have won the silver award in the Eco-Community category. Big congratulations to the Education team!” said Matschke, who also won a ladies Citizen Eco-Watch for her gorgeous and creative eco costume.