The Kenilworth Racecourse Conservation Area (KRCA) is a 52Ha piece of protected land within the racetrack. This conservation area is one of the last remnants of Critically Endangered vegetation type Cape Flats Sand Fynbos. Over 330 plant species occur on site, with over 30 of these species being listed as endangered.

KRCA is also home to the Cape dwarf chameleon (Bradypodion pumilum), which is native to the Western Cape where it is restricted to the region around Cape Town. Each year, the KRCA team leads a number of evening Chameleon Walks to encourage the public to join in and help collect data on the chameleons living on site. Any chameleons found are photographed and measured, being added to a database which the team uses to try to determine population size and growth and changes.

This year the first Chameleon Walk was held on 11 April, with over 35 people eagerly attending the evening. A number of chameleons were found during the walk – ranging in size from a handsome large adult to small baby chameleons! Thank you to the KRCA team for hosting these walks and to everyone who attended and helped search for these colourful creatures!

Keep an eye of the KRCA Facebook page for news and upcoming events.

KRCA is just one of the conservation projects managed through CTEET’s Nature Care Fund. Learn more about these projects on our website.

Photo credits: Joleen Coetzee, Helen Whelan.