The Nature Care Fund

The Nature Care Fund is dedicated to identifying and implementing funding solutions to address a wide range of stewardship needs. Our collaborative approach emphasises shared responsibility among multiple stakeholders. Through our funding solutions, we enable tangible conservation actions on the ground, as demonstrated by our Stewardship Interventions.

Legal Obligations

We have developed innovative mechanisms to steward biodiversity by securing funding through legislative processes associated with development. These mechanisms include:

  1. Biodiversity offset mechanisms
  2. Compensation mechanisms
  3. Property development commitments

Voluntary Contributions

Nature Connect are committed to partnerships, which allow for voluntary contributions towards conservation. These contributions may be “once off” (typical donor funding), and project specific. Or they may be voluntary, come from multiple sources, and be long-term in nature (such as funding for a particular piece of high biodiversity value land).

Contact Information

If you would like more information about the Nature Care Fund’s processes for channeling funds please reach out to our Conservation Partnership Facilitator, Lynette ([email protected]).